
Baby & pregnancy-friendly festive activities

Ho, ho, ho! Welcome to the last edition of our Boogle Blog for 2022, where we’re gifting you some holiday ideas that you can enjoy while pregnant or with a newborn.

Yes it’s true, Christmas and NYE can be a bit hectic when you’re pregnant or sleeping only 45 seconds most nights with a bub. But, while prawns and champagne might be off your list, we’re here to tell you there are some things you can do to put some jingle in your bells.

First things fist, relax

A word we’re definitely not used to hearing over the holiday season but one that you can milk right now. Yes, it’s important for you to pass on the chores and opt for the couch. This time of the year is about keeping you and bub healthy and happy, so if that means being waited on, so be it!

Travel right

Whether you’re heading away for the holidays or staying over at a family or friend’s house, packing for a baby can be challenging. Our advice? Stock up on travel-friendly products that will make your life 100 times easier. Things like a portable steriliser that helps you eliminate 99% of germs and bacteria wherever you are, a double electric breast pump that lets you pump on the go, New Beginnings dry wipes for any spills or mishaps along the way and if you’re breastfeeding, get yourself some Aqua Gel cooling breast pads. These amazing things work without needing a fridge - just peel and apply!

Gift yourself a break

If you’re pregnant with your first baby, make this Christmas all about you. After all, once your little one is here you’ll be spending every holiday season running around after them.

Why not organise a merry movie night with your partner, friends or kids, order take out so there’s no need to cook and schedule a daily nap.

Swap midnight for midday

If you’re pregnant, staying up until midnight to ring in the New Year is a hard task. Why not move things to noon? You can then do a countdown with the kids, or just with family and friends and get to bed early! Sounds good to us.

Fake it till you make it

If you’re not drinking booze during the break, it’s time to get your mocktail on! Grab yourself a list of yummy drinks and get mixing! And when it’s champagne time, try clinking glasses with sparkling apple juice.

Swap travel for guests

Travelling when you’re pregnant or with a little one can be hard work. If you’re pregnant it can be uncomfortable and you’ll need plenty of pee stops. And with a newborn… well you just never know what to expect. This year try asking people to come to your house, that way you can stay put and have everything you need, all around you. Including your toilet.

From all of us at New Beginnings, we wish you a very happy holiday season and a wonderful new year full of love, laughter and pitter patter.

Finding yourself Googling everything from boobs and bums to bubs and bibs? Visit our New Beginnings website, where you’ll find a range of helpful articles, products and tips for navigating this new chapter of your life - mummahood.