  • When Will the Overnight Feeds Get Easier? (and Practical Tips to Help Manage)

    When Will the Overnight Feeds Get Easier? (and Practical Tips to Help Manage)
    Exhausted by late-night baby cries? You're not alone! This whirlwind phase is temporary, but those precious winks of sleep feel oh-so-distant. Don't fret, parents! We've got a toolbox of tips to transform those chaotic nights into calmer stretches (and maybe even some sleep!).
  • Prioritising Self-Care: The Importance of Self-Care After Birth

    Prioritising Self-Care: The Importance of Self-Care After Birth
    In this blog, we'll explore the significance of stocking up on your emotional self-love cup, as well as those essential postpartum products.
  • Breast Pumps: Comparing the New Beginnings Breast Pumps

    Breast Pumps: Comparing the New Beginnings Breast Pumps
    To help you choose the best breast pump for your needs, we've created a comparison table. 
  • Benefits of Bamboo Maternity Products

    Benefits of Bamboo Maternity Products | New Beginnings
    What is Bamboo? Bamboo is an incredibly versatile material used in so many products nowadays. From clothing and linen, to homewares, furniture and, yes, pregnancy products. Sustainable to grow, strong and flexible, and incredibly soft and resilient when woven as a fibre, bamboo has a long list of benefits. That’s why bamboo is the perfect material for pregnant and nursing Mums. Bamboo nursing pads...
  • TMI Antenatal Classes!

        New Job Application Giving birth to a baby and becoming a parent is like jumping into a new job and very quickly learning how to sink or swim. If you were to apply for a new job you may wish to do some preparation work before the big day and this is how I approached going to antenatal classes. You want to...
  • Labour & Pregnancy: Best Laid Labour Plans

      As the final stages of pregnancy creep up on you, much like those swollen ankles, you know it’s time to start thinking about the arrival of this baby. I’ll never forget sitting in my antenatal class and having our teacher passionately describe how women have been birthing babies for thousands of years. How it’s such a natural process for the female body to...
  • Top 5 Hospital Must Haves

    Top 5 Hospital Must Haves
    It took me a while to pack my hospital bag in preparation for my babies arrival, much to the annoyance of my partner. I am normally quite organised but the reality of a life with a baby didn’t really sink in until the last few weeks or my pregnancy. I found my antenatal classes helpful for the basics reminders like pyjamas  that button up...
  • Are maternity bras necessary?

    Life is such a freeing experience until a young girl hits puberty and is confronted with her first bra. Some girls cannot wait to join the club of young women and wear those new supports with such pride; I was not one of those girls. Being somewhat of a tomboy I found it very confronting to make that leap into womanhood, all because my...
  • To Breastfeed Or Not To Breastfeed

    To Breastfeed Or Not To Breastfeed
      I never really considered myself to be much of a feminist until I started breastfeeding. Then it became apparent that there are a lot of people who dislike public breastfeeding and are quite vocal about it. The simple act of breastfeeding your child outside has become a real opinion poll and you’d be surprised at the looks or rather the glares you get...