
Your Ultimate Guide To Choosing A Breast Pump

From short-term reasons such as pain, engorgement or breast refusal to long term reasons such as going back to work, being away from bub or permanent latching issues, there are many situations where mums may need to express and use a breast pump. Whatever the reason is, having a good pump on hand can be a lifesaver. When looking for a pump there are many options to choose from and it can become very overwhelming, so we’re here to help you find what will work best for you and your unique situation. 

What is a breast pump?

Breast pumps are available in both manual and electric forms that allow lactating mums to express milk when they need it. They can allow you to store extra milk, share the feeding time with your partner and help bub feed more efficiently.

Choosing your breast pump

When considering what pump will be best for you, there are a number of factors to consider:
  1. How often you will be pumping (frequency)
  2. Budget/Price
  3. Size & Portability 
  4. Speed, strength and suction 
  5. Noise

Which pump should you choose?

  • Manual vs Electric
    A manual pump is much cheaper, quieter and involves no setup to use. They can be used either for expressing or catching extra let down after feeding so your milk doesn’t go to waste. They use a vacuum seal against your breast to manually express your milk.

    On the other hand, electric pumps are more expensive and have multiple parts but are very easy to use. As they have a motor they do all the hard work for you, making them super convenient for expressing milk.

  • Single Electric vs Double Electric
    A single electric pump is a great option that allows you to express and feed at the same time. A single pump is generally a lot smaller and has fewer parts making it easy to transport and take with you.

    A double pump however cuts down expressing time by up to 50%, as it draws milk from both breasts simultaneously. A double pump is a great option if you need to store a lot of milk or have trouble breastfeeding 

To make things a little easier for you, we have provided a chart below to easily compare all the features and benefits of the different pumps available:

Why New Beginnings Breast Pumps?

At New Beginnings we believe in making high-quality products affordable for all mums. We have developed all our electric pumps with LacTech technology, to mimic the natural suckling motion of breastfeeding, so you can express comfortably and efficiently. All our pumps are extremely lightweight, easy to use and are almost completely silent, making expressing and feeding time that much easier. 

If you need some more convincing, check out what our NB mums are saying:

Amanda - Single Electric Breast Pump

“My new 'secret weapon'! Love this quiet, efficient little lady, she's my new BFF particularly when I'm exhausted and want to catch up on sleep - partner can take over, bubs is happy, partner can have some one on one time and mumma can have some much needed Z's!” 

Kim - Double Electric Breast Pump 

“I would definitely recommend the New Beginnings Breast Pump to anyone and everyone!! It was sooo easy!!! I was able to connect it all up and because it was so quiet, I was able to express while sitting there watching tv. The different levels of stimulation and suction were great as I was able to customise it depending on when I expressed (whether it was close after breastfeeding or much later). I loved the function of the time as I was able to gain an idea of how long it would take me to express a certain amount of milk. I also loved that it was a double as I could express a large amount of milk in very little time! The New Beginnings Breast Pump was also very easy to clean and reassemble afterwards. The stands for the bottles were also very handy as it meant no spilt milk! ???? I loved everything about the New Beginnings Breast Pump and I found it to be no comparison to another manual breast pump I have previously used. I would hands down recommend New Beginnings as my first choice electric breast pump!”

Interested in learning more helpful tips and tricks about breast pumps? Stay updated with our Maternity Blog and News.

For more information check out the pages below or contact us on sales@newbeginnings.com.au or on our socials @newbeginningsmaternity.